Conscious Creator(A path for making money from your passion)

My Journey as a Conscious Creator

Ever since I was a kid I have always been obsessed with something. I loved creating and exploring. At some points in my life, I have been obsessed with soccer, basketball, video games, chess, school grades, creator economy, YouTube, dropshipping, nomad lifestyle, science, nature, and how the world works.

I also loved to create. I loved to build characters in games. I even wrote a short book over 5 years starting at around 6 or 8. I loved to dream big and I loved to ask questions.

I have enjoyed creating my strategies rather than following the normal path.

In school, I would research my study strategies rather than do what they suggested.

In soccer, I would research my drills to practice at home

In video games, I would explore how to progress faster.

However, school programmed me to shut down my creator mind and instead taught me to memorize facts and repeat them. They programmed me to write more words just for the sake of reaching a word count. I began to become robotic and lacked creative or novel ideas.

Until recently I hadn't had a creative outlet that would allow me to explore my wide variety of interests. That was the case until I found writing, dove deep into the creator economy, and found this guy named Dan Koe.

In the last 3 months of leaving traditional education and doing homeschooling, I have learned about and explored:

  • AI

  • Books

  • Blockchain

  • Philosophy

  • Copywriting

  • Social media

  • Ghostwriting

  • Twitter Growth

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Creative writing

  • Nomad Lifestyle

  • Creator economy

  • American History

  • Financial markets

  • Compelling Writing

  • And More

If I were in normal school I would have learned:




Chemistry Lab

Academic Writing

I realize now that the path I have taken is one of a Conscious Creator. Similar to a synthesizer however the term Conscious Creator further emphasizes the creating aspect.

The truth:

You are not supposed to be specialized

Since the dawn of time, we have been creating technology to automate specialized repeatable tasks to make room for humankind's best gift.


Creation is what stands us apart from all other species. With our extraordinary brains, we can mimic, learn, and then conceive new ideas that no one has had before. We can draw comparisons, and inferences, and understand relationships. We have created equations to understand black holes and we have begun to understand the complexity of the human brain.

The greatest driver of human discovery is curiosity. And curiosity cannot be bottled up into one major or one pursuit. You can be obsessed with one topic for a while but eventually, you evolve and start to draw connections and become obsessed with other topics.

You are not supposed to be a robot repeating monotonous tasks.

Not only is specialization not aligned with the innate nature of humans it also makes you replaceable.

"Scores of Americans had to brush up their CVs last year. In 2023, companies planned 721,677 job cuts, a 98% jump from 2022" - Yahoo Finance

The amount of job cuts will only increase as technology advances and can replace more and more of the specialized jobs.

Once you stop being specialized you can understand many topics and have many skills. This makes you irreplaceable.

If you're not a Conscious Creator you're a Mindless Consumer

You must be a Conscious Creator or you will die(Conceptually).

You may not die physically immediately but after you lose yourself on the conceptual level for long enough you will likely die physically as well.

If you are not consciously absorbing information through the lens of your goals and visions you will be a mindless consumer.

Mindless consumers are lost and escape to cheap dopamine any chance they can get to run from the problems of their conscious mind. They have problems in their conscious mind such as a lack of purpose. This is because they aren't creating anything or moving towards something bigger than themselves.

It is a self-sabotaging cycle to be a Mindless Consumer. If you want to explore how to stop being a mindless consumer and control your information diet click here.

How to be a Conscious Creator

Before we dive into how to be a conscious creator we must understand the philosophy of a conscious creator.

The philosophy of the conscious creator

A Conscious Creator synthesizes what they discover and learn on their path of curiosity.

Everyone wants health, wealth, relationships, and happiness but everyone takes a different path.

Your path of curiosity is in pursuit of these 4 pillars or one of these 4 pillars.

A Conscious Creator determines what a good life is to them. They then solve their problems in the pursuit of the good life and help others to pursue the good life.

Your path is formed by all of your experiences and interests throughout your life. Even if they don’t seem directly related to your pursuit of the good life.

This means that you can relate all your experiences and interests to your ultimate goal and also where you are. This is because all of your experiences have shaped your ultimate goal and where you are.

For me, I have often been addicted to video games in my life. This perspective can shape that I view life as a game. If you want to dive deeper into this check out my newsletter on how to turn your life into a video game and progress faster click here.

Or I can relate my experience with sports to how I solve my problems on my journey to the good life.

The role of the conscious creator is to solve problems by expanding their consciousness and awareness. Through this process, the conscious creator learns patterns and can create systems for others to solve similar problems so others can reach the good life.

Stages of a Conscious Creator

There are 4 stages of the conscious creator.

Level 1: Imitator

Level 2: Curator

Level 3: Conscious Creator/Synthesizer

Level 4: Innovator

Level 1: Imitator

At level one people follow the formula for "success". You follow the preplanned steps and ideas of success and help create that future. They create someone else's future instead of their own. This is why many people will have a Mid-Life Crisis because they wake up and realize what they have been building and creating all their life doesn't fulfill them. The reason it does not fulfill them is because they were assigned a life purpose instead of creating their own.

"If you don’t create a routine, you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a purpose, you will be assigned one.

If you don’t create a career, you will be assigned one.

People are too quick to adopt the structure that somebody else created to ease life’s uncertainty." - Dan Koe

Level 2: Curator

The Curator and Conscious Creator are very similar except that a Curator Draws from others' ideas and relates them to their experiences. While the Conscious Creator takes inspiration from others' ideas and creates personal ideas from their experiences.

An example of curation in my personal experience is when for 15 days I wrote my biggest lessons from a podcast. While the ideas were not mine I related the ideas to my own experience.

For example, if a podcast with Andrew Huberman talked about NSDR.

I might make the hook "5 benefits of NSDR" or "5 of the best protocols I learned from Andrew Huberman" Then when I discuss NSDR I can talk about how it helped me in my experience.

Level 3: Conscious Creator

A Conscious Creator takes inspiration from others' ideas and creates personal ideas from their experiences.

For example, a conscious creator may take the NSDR protocol from Andrew Huberman experiment with it, and then tweak it to suit them better. They then share their version of the protocol.

A Conscious Creator must have a clear definition of the good life to them. This definition can change and should change as they evolve as a person.

A school of thought is a system for helping people achieve the Conscious Creator's definition of the good life.

For example:

  • Dan Koe created "Kortex University"

  • Hamza Ahmed created "Adonis School"

  • Jordan Peterson created Peterson University

The highest level of conscious creators often create their school of thought when they get access to innovation.

You can still create a school of thought when not in the innovation. But I believe that the Schools of Thought that go on to have the biggest impact on the world are created in a state of innovation.

Level 4: Innovator

Innovators are rare. People are rarely consistently creating radically novel frameworks and ideas to operate in the world. However, a Conscious Creator can access short states/sprints of innovation where they become in tune with their intuition. When this happens they can create ideas that can shape the future.

Those who are innovators can innovate abstract ideas because they have access to a greater intelligence. Their intuition allows them to come up with ideas that are unlike anything ever thought of. Their intuition also gives them the strength to follow through even when everyone else thinks they are crazy. When you are only using your intellect you are not an innovator because you can only build on what has previously existed. And what the rational mind thinks is possible.

Conscious Creators when they make breakthroughs it is from constant iterations into a new model. Sometimes the conscious creator will get access to innovation/intuition where they can make leaps in knowledge where it would have taken iteration months, years, decades, or lifetimes. 

The people who were innovators and were consistently innovating were the likes of:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Albert Einstein

  • Nikola Tesla

Niche of One

As a Conscious Creator, you are a niche of one. You are not like anybody else. You have unique opinions, life experiences, and interests. A Conscious Creator leans into being a multifaceted person which helps to attract a broad audience. Since all people are multifaceted.

"Niches are supposed to be specific, and what is more specific than this?

A desirable goal that will change your life (and your readers).

A burning problem that will ease your suffering (and your readers).

A clear path, system, or solution to bring you clarity (and your readers).

The goals and problems will almost always be similar to someone else's" - Dan Koe

This passage from one of Dan Koe's newsletters perfectly sums up why the Niche of One idea works.

You are the niche. Talk about all your interests. Stop niching down. When you niche down you restrict the number of people you can talk to. And you are not one-dimensional. This goes back to specialization. When you niche down it becomes harder to pivot because the audience expects you to only give actionable advice for one topic.

Now you can focus on one area.

For example, if you are making money with copywriting. You can talk about copywriting primarily if you choose to do so. But you can also talk about outreach strategies that help you get clients. You can talk about the mindset you need when selling and writing. The productivity system you use to do client work and build a personal brand.

You see how they are all interconnected and all important.

Good copywriting doesn't matter if you don't have time to write.

Having time to write doesn't matter if you can't write good copy.

Monetization Path of a Conscious Creator

As a conscious creator, you need to have a broad brand(wide top of funnel) and a specific product.

For example, your brand might talk about how you achieved your definition of the good life or how you're pursuing it.

Since the good life is broad you will attract many people.

The way you convert these people into buyers is with two words:

How and Why

You talk about how.

How your product and the systems in it have allowed you to live the good life. Talk about how it was able to transform your life.

If you talk about why these systems helped you and how they helped you people will buy.

You are sharing the life they want, making them conscious of a burning problem they have, and presenting your product as a solution to their problem.

The key is leading your prospects through the levels of awareness by educating them. You are an educator a teacher.

Levels of awareness:

  1. Unaware

  2. Problem Aware

  3. Solution Aware

  4. Product Aware

  5. Most Aware

You can sell to all of these levels of awareness if you are an educator.

You can educate them on the problem they have, the solution to the problem, a systemized solution, and that your product holds the system.

Being nicheless allows you to sell to all stages of awareness. While being niched down makes it more difficult to sell to all levels of awareness.

If you are teaching copywriting you can only sell to people who are more aware.

This is because when people are unaware the best way to make them problem-aware is by sharing your definition of the good life.

For instance, somebody is working a corporate job who has no time freedom, money freedom, or location freedom. They might have accepted that this is how life is for everyone so they don't view it as a problem.

However, if they read a newsletter from somebody explaining their definition of success. They might like that definition of success more than their current situation. This makes their current situation a problem. They are now problem-aware. Now the author of the newsletter can explain to them the solution to getting out of the rat race. Which might be learning copywriting or whatever skill they recommend. From here you can lead them up the levels of awareness until they buy.

When you are broad and open people's minds to a different way of life. They will credit you for giving them the mindset shift which is a powerful way of building credibility and authority.

Life of a Conscious Creator

It is important to understand the lifestyle of a Conscious Creator so that you can start to become one.

3 Habits of a Conscious Creator

Challenging yourself with limited work hours:

I only work for 4 hours 5 days of the week.

On Sunday I do not work at all. On Saturday I am experimenting with continuing the 4-hour work day or doing more than 4 hours of deep work that day.

Challenging yourself with limited work hours forces you to build leverage through systems. The systems you create to solve time constraints can be turned into products at a later date.

Working limited hours also allows you to recover. Thus making your 4 hours of work even more productive.


This is the foundation of everything for a Conscious Creator. You must be distilling your learnings and insights. Treat writing your newsletter, blog, and Twitter as your public journal. I like to imagine that I am making discoveries like Da Vinci was making in his journal.

Writing is the foundation of all content which is the front end of the internet. I try to write at least 500 words every day to keep my writing muscle active.

Self Actualization

With the time not spent working, you can spend time self-actualizing. This will help to make your work better.


If you're not learning you die. Conceptually this is the case and eventually physically as well. You must be consuming information, digesting it, and synthesizing it.

Some ways you can learn:




Audio Books

Long-form YT Videos

Active Recovery:

This is to allow your brain to recover from the flow state you get into while creating.

Some activities you can do are:

  • Sauna

  • Walking

  • Reading

  • Journalling

  • Meditation

  • Sun Bathing

  • Cold Plunge

  • Nature Walks

  • Contemplating

Beliefs of a Conscious Creator

Belief One: Making money is a method of self-actualization. This means that if you can't make more money it is because you need to improve your skills, beliefs, execution, or character traits.

Belief Two: Exploring your curiosities will lead to success.

Belief Three: Self-education is a must.

Belief Four: Humans are ever-evolving and the moment you become complacent is the moment you start dying

Belief Five: You must create your purpose or you will be assigned one

Character Traits of a Conscious Creator

  • Personal Responsibility

  • Growth Mindset

  • Ownership

How to Create Content as a Conscious Creator

The foundation of content as a Conscious Creator is problems. Solving your problem and sharing the solutions.

Your problems likely are not unique just to you.

Here are some topics for inspiration for content:

  • Goals

  • Process

  • Benefits

  • Concept

  • Awareness

  • Influential Ideas

  • Identity + Skill Stack

  • Personal Definitions

  • Desired behavior change

  • Enemies to your definition of success

  • What is required to live by my definition of success

  • Necessary Habits, Skills, and Beliefs to reach definition of success

There are two types of content to create as a Conscious Creator.

Insight and Value content.

Value Content is how you build goodwill with your audience.

Insight Content is how you find the buyers in your audience

Value Content is content that shows a step-by-step process of exactly how to get from A to B.

Insight content is when you show why something is important.

Example of Value Content:

My Exact Email Templates [STEAL THEM]

Example of Insight Content:

Email is 10% of my audience but 95% of my revenue.

See the difference? One shows why it is important and one provides value.

Wrapping Up

In closing, the path of a Conscious Creator isn't simply about adopting a new mindset. It's about understanding that being a Conscious Creator is a way of life.

Remember, you are not meant to be confined to the limitations of specialization. Instead, you're supposed to be a multifaceted force. Constantly evolving and exploring the vast landscape of knowledge and experience. By becoming a Conscious Creator, you not only unlock your full potential but also pave the way for a life rich in purpose, creativity, and fulfillment.

Remember to challenge yourself with limited work hours, hone your writing skills, and explore your curiosity. Each step you take brings you closer to embodying the essence of a Conscious Creator.

Hope you enjoyed reading!

Enjoy the rest of your day!
